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Estimating the Environmental Savings of Ghana Utility Companies through Engendering Digitalization: A Case of Ghana Water Limited

Research Paper for Publication


I. Introduction

- Brief overview of the importance of environmental sustainability in utility companies.

- Introduction to Ghana Water Limited and the need for digitalization to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

II. Current Environmental Challenges Faced by Ghana Utility Companies

- Water scarcity and pollution issues in Ghana.

- Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from traditional utility operations.

-Unsustainable procurement practices. e.g Bulk paper procurement

- The need for sustainable practices to mitigate environmental impact.

III. The Role of Digitalization in Enhancing Environmental Sustainability

- Introduction to digitalization in utility companies and its potential benefits.

- Automation of processes to reduce energy consumption.

- Real-time monitoring of water resources to prevent wastage.

- Implementation of smart technologies for efficient resource management.

IV. Case Study: Ghana Water Limited

- Overview of Ghana Water Limited and its current operational challenges.

- Implementation of digital solutions such as smart meters and IoT devices.

- Benefits of digitalization in reducing water loss and optimizing energy usage.

V. Estimating Environmental Savings through Digitalization

- Calculation of reduced water wastage through smart monitoring systems.

- Analysis of energy savings achieved through automated processes.

- Comparison of greenhouse gas emissions before and after digitalization implementation.

VI. Conclusion

- Summary of the environmental benefits of digitalization for Ghana Water Limited.

- Importance of extending digitalization practices to other utility companies in Ghana.

- Call to action for promoting sustainable practices through technology integration.

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