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My Write-ups

This is where I treat you to some of the thoughts and perspectives I put on issues that cross my mind. And because water, environment, climate and their related issues drive my passion, find it not strange when the cocktail you find here have all these elements featuring from time to time.


They may come in the form of written poetry, articles, blogs, papers, concepts notes, etc.


Once again, I welcome you to this space and I hope you enjoy your stay.....!

In numerous societies, the task of sourcing, carrying, and managing water for household needs is primarily perceived as a woman's duty. This expectation stems from deeply entrenched cultural norms and historical gender roles, perpetuating the notion that water-related chores are inherently feminine responsibilities. Societies often refer to its members are hewers of wood (i.e men and boys) and drawers of water (i.e women and girls) Consequently, women and girls, often from a young age, find themselves devoting significant amounts of time and effort to ensure that their families have access to clean drinking water.

Pot Close Up

POEM:  "Water, a Force of Nature..."

Water, a tranquil and serene phenomenon,
Reflecting the sky with gleaming sheen.
A calming refuge for weary elements,
A gentle embrace, forever whole.

Yet its tides and waves rise and crash abank and ashore,
Transforming tranquility into uproar.
The peaceful flow becomes fierce and bold,
A tempestuous power that dares not be tamed.

In stillness, it nurtures life's creation,
An oasis of calm, a soothing sensation.
But in its wrath, it scorns all command,
Destroying all in its path, a force so grand.

Water, an enigma of contrasting might,
A symbol of both peace and a fearsome fight.
Within its depths, lies a duality profound,
Reminding us of nature's wonders, profound.


Book Chapter in 

Energy Regulation in Africa:

Dynamics, Challenges, and Opportunities

Climate-related Energy Reportage in Africa

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